Year 5

Teaching staff – Mrs Gawne, Mrs Crosthwaite, Mr Welch

Staff covering PPA and leadership release time – MR Johnson, Mrs Coull, Mrs O'Kane

Teaching Assistant – Miss Morris, Mrs O'Kane, Miss Bermingham, Mrs Evans

In Year 5, children build upon their knowledge and skills developed in earlier years. We provide pupils with opportunities to consolidate learning, develop confidence, access new knowledge and translate prior skills and knowledge to other areas of the curriculum.

In English, we read a variety of texts, further develop our reading fluency and encourage children to read widely. Pupils will consolidate reading skills including prediction, inference, summary and understanding author’s choices. We will also use the texts that we read as a stimulus for a wide range of writing across genres including narrative, recount, reports, instructions, letters, poetry and more.

In Maths, we work hard on mastering the recall of times table facts, as well as visiting the different aspects of Maths half-termly in order to build upon prior learning and provide opportunities to retrieve earlier learning. Pupils will develop new knowledge in number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, shape, measure and fractions. Children will be encouraged to apply reasoning skills across all aspects of Maths and to access their learning in concrete, pictorial and abstract models.

We are committed to providing our pupils with an engaging, challenging and stimulating curriculum, which celebrates the achievements of all pupils in all subjects. Pupils will take part in a range of school visits, projects and cross-curricular learning opportunities that develop their knowledge base and enable them to develop key life skills of independence, resilience and confidence.