
Teaching staff – Mrs Gould, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Austin

Staff covering PPA and leadership release time – Mr Johnson

Teaching Assistants – Mrs Usher, Mrs Beach

Welcome to F2! 

In F2 we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which focusses on seven areas of learning. Each area of the EYFS curriculum has an Early Learning Goal, which is the standard that a child is expected to achieve by the end of their Reception year.

Prime areas of learning

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Specific areas of learning

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design.

We use these areas of learning to underpin our broad and balanced curriculum offer. Communication and language lies at the heart of our Early Years curriculum. 

Reception is filled with exciting and enjoyable learning opportunities; we aim to inspire our children and equip them with a love of learning. We value the importance of play and how crucial it is to a child’s development. Our staff plan a wide range of learning opportunities, use interesting provocations within the environment and plan for exciting enrichment activities to ensure that children are motivated and deeply engaged in their learning. We make use of the indoor and outdoor environments all year round. 

Our team listen to and observe our children closely to identify and follow each child’s interests. By doing this, we recognise and take the opportunity to extend our children’s interests and learning further, by facilitating key teaching opportunities and planning for our children’s next steps. Each day consists of a balance of child initiated and adult led activities. We work closely with our parents and carers to make sure that each child is happy, safe and confident