Year 3

Teaching Staff - Mrs Swift, Miss Newberry

Staff covering PPA and leadership release time- Mrs O'Kane, Mr Johnson, Mrs Coull

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Robinson, Mrs Friess

Welcome to the Year 3 section of our school website. In Year 3, we strive to develop our children’s independence as they make the first step into Key Stage 2.  As well as consolidating the knowledge from Key Stage 1, we aim to provide an engaging, challenging and broad curriculum to allow all children to achieve their full potential. 

In English, our children are encouraged to read a wider range of texts and genres independently.  Additionally, we read a wide variety of exciting and engaging texts as a class, which we use as a stimulus for lots of different genres of writing including recounts, narratives, instructions and reports.  We build on the fundamentals of writing, grammar and spelling taught in Key Stage 1 and expand our children’s use of different grammatical structures.

For our maths learning, we use concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to develop our children’s understanding of numbers.  Our pupils will develop new knowledge of place value, operations, shape, measure and fractions as well as recapping and building upon prior learning from Key Stage 1.  We will also begin to develop mathematical reasoning further to deepen mastery of concepts.

Our foundation subjects are taught through a range of stimulating topics which provide excellent cross-curricular learning opportunities.  As a year group, we are committed to providing our children with a well-rounded, broad and balanced curriculum alongside supporting our children’s wellbeing and health.  We are able to attend a wide range of extra-curricular activities and also are able to enter sporting competitions.  We try our best to follow our School Charter, both in the classroom and out on the playground and develop our maturity at the start of Key Stage 2.

We operate an open-door policy so please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you and your children