October 2022

1st October 2022

Black History Month
October 2022
Across the month, all of our year groups have learnt about black history. We believe that it is important to understand the diverse world around us and as part of the UNICEF rights, everyone should be treated as equal as we all have a right to an identity. The children learnt how this has not always been the case and by looking at significant individuals they know the challenges black people have faced due to inequality. We hope that through our teaching our children will promote an equal society and demonstrate the British values of tolerance and liberty.
Break The Rules Day
Those cheeky children broke our school rules once again today! They drank juice, wore their own clothes and even coloured their hair. Thank you to the PTA for organising the day and again raising money for our school. 
Pop Cats!
F2 were lucky enough to have a session with Pop Cats today. As part of their PE unit, they moved around the hall and kdanced to a range of songs. It looked like all of the children had a wonderful time.
Harvest Festival
Once again, we would like to thank our school community for their generous donations to our Harvest Festival. All of your donations have been given to Wirral Foodbank to help those who are sturggling to feed themselves and their families, which is particularly difficult in the current economic crisis.
Uniform Sale
Our wonderful PTA held their first uniform sale after school today. With quality products at extremely low prices, it was good to see many parents coming to purchase the uniform. We are already looking forwards to another sale next half term. If you have any uniform that you no longer need, please pass it to the PTA via the school office. 
This week has been a very busy sports week. For reports of all of the competitions please go to the Enrichment tab of the website
F1/F2 Open Afternoon
Thursday was a very busy school day. The morning was spent having individual photographs and in the afternoon teachers held parent consultations.After school F1 and F2 opened their doors for the parents to come and look around the settings. It was lovely to see so many parents looking at their children's early progress and chatting to each other. It was also very nice to hear so many positive comments about the refreshed classrooms, the staff and how the children have settled in.
Thank you to everyone who attended and thanks to the PTA for serving refreshments for the parents.
Hello Yellow
To support Young Minds, pupils and staff wore yellow clothes to school. The charity supports people with their mental health and today pupils learned about the importance of a positive mindset and talking to others when they have worries.  
Stick Insects!
Year 2 had a very interesting day learning about stick insects as part of their science unit. Hi Impact brought the interesting creatures in to school and the pupils were able to examine their structure and their habitat.
Harvest Festival
Once again, we would like to thank our school community for their generous donations to our Harvest Festival. All of your donations have been given to Wirral Foodbank to help those who are sturggling to feed themselves and their families, which is particularly difficult in the current economic crisis.