Year 1

Teaching staff – Miss Haworth, Mrs Smith, Miss Rimmer

Staff covering PPA and leadership release time – Mr Johnson

Teaching Assistants – Mrs Evans, Mrs Dobson

Welcome to Year 1!

We are looking forward to an exciting year that will build upon the children’s knowledge and skills developed in EYFS. The children will access a rich and engaging curriculum allowing all children to achieve their full potential. They will develop their creative thinking skills; increase their independence and build their resilience. They will have opportunities to consolidate their learning through retrieval, learn new knowledge and transfer their learning across the whole curriculum.

We expose the children to a wide variety of texts to develop a love of books and reading which stimulates their imaginations across the curriculum. The children will continue to develop their phonic knowledge skills supporting their reading and spelling through daily RWI phonics. The children will develop their writing skills through different genres of writing.

We will develop the children’s mathematical knowledge and skills through practical and real life experiences, encouraging children to use reasoning and problem solving skills. The children will use concrete, pictorial and abstract methods in their maths learning.

In Year 1, we are committed to exposing the children to different learning opportunities to engage them in their curriculum learning through visits, visitors and the use of technology and resources that stimulate their curiosity.

We try our best to follow the School Charter, both in the classroom and out on the playground, and strive to be good role models for the new children starting school.

We operate an open-door policy so please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you and your children in Year 1.