October 2023

1st October 2023

Black History Month
As today was the last day of the half term, we rounded off our learning by celebrating Black History Month. Throughout October, the children had been learning about famous icons from our diverse world and today they completed artwork to display in school.
Break The Rules Day
Well done to all of the children for participating in the PTA Break The Rules day. Even though they remained sensible and behaved superbly, there were some very interesting hair styles, clothes and teddies at PL. We can't wait for another PTA event.
Jo Jingles
F1 enjoyed a lovely session with Jo Jingles today. THe children enjoyed playing musical instruments and siging and dancing to the music.
Harvest Festival
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Harvest Festival. The food donations have been sent to Wirral Foodbank and will go to local families and individuals who are in need of essentials.
Y1 Senses and Textures Workshop
Year 1 enjoyed a touchy feely workshops today. There were some very interesting things to feel during the workshop. I don't think the teachers wanted to be involved. For photos of the event, please look on our Twitter page.
Parent Forum
To further enhance home-school links and to gather feedback from our community, Mr Milne held the first Parent Forum. This was a very insightful meeting which will help to shape some of the future actions of the school. The next forum will be held in December and it is a great opportunity for parents to express their views whilst enjoying a biscuit.
Halloween Disco
There were lots of spooky looking children in the hall tonight as the y enjoyed their Halloween Disco. It was a lovely event and the children enjoyed dancing to some classice pop songs. Thank you to our PTA for leading the event.
Hello Yellow Day
To support the charity Young Minds, pupils were able to dress in bright colours. As it was also Mental Health Day, pupils looked at the emoitions we had and how we can achieve a positive mental outlook. A MAT montage of the day can be found on our Twitter page.
Litter Pick 
As well as teaching our pupils about the importance of environmental awareness, we held a Poulton Lancelyn Litter Pick to improve our local area. It was a lovely day for this community event, which helped to collect 10 bags of rubbish. We can't wait to hold our next community event.
Bike It Breakfast
As part of our Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds initiative, we held our first Bike It breakfast of the year on Friday. Children arrived in an active way (walking, scooting, cycling etc.) and enjoyed a breakfast of muffins, fruit, juice and water before school. We encourage all of of families to continue to travel to school in an active manner.
F2 Phonics Workshop
We like to keep our families informed about the teaching and learning strategies that we use in school. Today, F2 parents were invited into school to see how we teach phonics, which underpins reading and writing in Key Stage 1 and EYFS. Thankyou to those who attended; the presentation can be found in the Workshops and Presentations section in the Parent Information tab of the website.
Pool To School 
This year we decided to bring swimming to school by hiring a swimming pool and putting it on our playground!
We are very happy that our children are enjoying the swimming lessons in the pool. Key Stage Two children have all been scheduled sessions in the pool in order to achieve National Curriculum targets.