
At Poulton Lancelyn, we want our children to love music! Music is a subject that enriches children’s lives and education with many benefits beyond itself. It contributes significantly in developing language, reasoning and memory. Engaging in music leads to improved motor skills, co-ordination and improves memory. Participation in music requires children to co-operate and collaborate together playing and performing music as a whole school, key stage, whole class or in groups.

Music lessons at Poulton Lancelyn encourage children to explore new musical ideas and genres through listening, performing, playing instruments and composing. Linking closely curriculum topics, wherever possible, our music lessons raise aspirations and inspire the imaginations of our pupils to develop both a love of music and their talent as musicians. Music teaches discipline, relieves stress, builds self-confidence, encourages creativity and allows all children to succeed.

Our school understands the value and enrichment music brings to the life of a child and to the school as a whole community and we recognise that music, as a practical subject, should be an integral part of a rich, broad and balanced curriculum.