Key Information


We expect all children to wear school uniform or a plain black tracksuit.

  • Grey and purple check skirt, pinafore, purple/white summer dress
  • Grey trousers or shorts.
  • White blouse, shirts or polo shirt.
  • Purple sweatshirt, v-neck tank top or cardigan.
  • White or grey socks.
  • Plain black tracksuit and white t-shirt.
  • Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly marked on all belongings
  • Please send coats every day as we access the outdoor area all the time
  • A bag with spare clothes can be sent into school daily with your child
  • Sensible shoes should be worn by your child
  • You can choose to send your child in the school uniform or a plain black tracksuit

The children have daily access to free fruit or vegetables as part of their snack. Children do not need to bring snacks with them to school. Staff will make sure that all snacks are cut into appropriately sized chunks.

Water bottles need to be labelled clearly with your child’s name. Water only, no juice. We will re-fill your child’s bottle throughout the day, should they need it.


Requests for medicine to be administered in school must be made to the school office and will be considered by the Headteacher or representative. This relates ONLY to prescribed medicines. They should be handed in to the school office with clear written instructions on their administration to the child. It will be stored in the fridge until the end of the day. The fact that the medicine has been administered will be recorded in the medicine log book.


Inhalers are kept in the office where the staff can obtain them easily. Inhalers are taken with the children on outside school trips etc. If your child has an inhaler, please inform school so a HCP and relevant paperwork can be completed.